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August 2013

Transparency, Relevance and Sleeping Giants. Oh My!

Last week there was a thought-provoking opinion piece in the New York Times by Tina Rosenberg that tied together pricing transparency, cost reductions, the power of PPO’s and hospital systems, self-insurance and patient empowerment.  Quite a feat. Here’s how she tees up her article, entitled “The Cure for the $1,000 Toothbrush”: “Here is …

Happy ASC Day!

Today is the 10th Annual National Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) Day.  The company I lead,Access MediQuip, is participating in events throughout the day. Our leadership team and sales representatives are on hand at ASC-sponsored events to increase awareness and education concerning surgery centers and surgical implants. At Access MediQuip, we …

Brian Williams Undergoes Knee Replacement Surgery

  Recently, NBC News didn’t just report on the advancements in knee replacement surgery. The face of their nightly broadcast, Brian Williams actually underwent the surgery. Suffering from a nagging injury he got playing football in high school, Williams finally got the knee replaced. And, as you may have guessed, NBC …