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June 2013

Life Imitates Art: The Growing Importance of Cyber-Security

When terrorists used the stolen serial number of the U.S. Vice President’s pacemaker to wirelessly access the device and deliver a fatal jolt of electricity in an episode of the TV series Homeland last year, to many it seemed like science fiction. But not to the real U.S. Federal Government. …

Making It All Worthwhile

Sometimes a corporate mission statement can seem distant in the day-to-day of it all, and then a patient reaches through it all and reminds you of why you do what you do.  Case in point: my company’s mission is to: “Enable patients to obtain the right implant at the right …

Measurement, Cost, Compensation and Implants: The Train Is on the Tracks!

I was recently speaking with a colleague outside of my company about the new Inpatient Quality Reporting Program (IQRP) measurement requirements, and the challenges they pose for health plans, hospitals and just about anyone serving patients.  And the fact that IQRP measurement requirements include “total hip and knee replacement unplanned …

Angelina’s Brave Choice

Angelina Jolie has been in the news for most of her adult life. Whether its her outfits, her dating life, her movies or even her children, most of her movements are well documented. But, recently, she was in the news for something entirely different.             …